The Vintage itch

StartFragmentWhy hello! This is my first attempt at a blog post to accompany my small vintage shop web page. Hopefully it can offer you some amusement in your day! Can I start by saying "blog" is such an ugly word! I have a dilemma in that I would love to share with you stories of some of the odd folk who haunt the vintage shops of the Newtown area, but in truth it doesn't seem fair, perhaps some snippets without names shall suffice! ( Whilst I was writing this very sentence I was interrupted by a woman with a trolley trying to sell me underwear and aviator sunglasses, there's a look unto itself ). It's amazing how many people drop past in a week trying to sell me this or that, many have no concept that there is a degree of curation to what's going on in here. Cultural and generational differences can shape this, my own Mum hates retro but she is actually quite good at sourcing for me and gets what I am doing,( as can be seen from her garage sale discovery of the above Joe Colombo lamps, SOLD). She is in her 80's and says " I know if I think it's awful and I don't like it I should probably buy it for your shop" all said with a sparkle in her eyeEndFragment